What Could Your Burning Back Pain Indicate

A burning sensation in the back is a common complaint. However, if the pain is accompanied by other symptoms, it could indicate a serious condition and require medical attention.

Our spines consist of intervertebral discs that sit in between vertebral bones. When these discs get damaged, they can cause spinal nerve compression resulting in back pain and a burning sensation.


Shingles are caused by the varicella-zoster virus—the same one that causes chickenpox. When the virus reactivates, you develop a painful rash that typically looks like a stripe wrapping around the left or right side of your torso. The rash usually scabs over within seven to 10 days, and it is not contagious.

Some people who get shingles experience long-lasting pain, called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). This occurs when damaged nerve fibers send confused and exaggerated messages of pain to the brain. The pain can last for weeks, months, or even years after the blisters have healed.

A doctor can treat a shingles outbreak with anti-viral medications and other treatment, such as a numbing medication or an epidural injection. A pain specialist injects numbing medicine and steroid very close to the spinal cord, which reduces nerve inflammation and decreases the risk of PHN.


Cellulitis is a painful skin condition that occurs when bacteria enters the skin through a cut or abrasion. The infection can then spread to the tissues under the skin, causing swelling and redness. The area may also feel warm to the touch. If you notice a rash that is spreading quickly, a fever or a lot of pain, you should see a doctor right away.

A medical professional can diagnose the condition based on your health history and a physical exam. They may take a sample of the affected area to identify the bacteria and find the right antibiotic to treat it.

Most cases of cellulitis are nonpurulent, which means the infection isn’t accompanied by pustules or abscesses. However, if the area gets worse with increased pain, fever, chills, tachycardia or delirium, it is likely that the infection is a severe one and you should see a doctor immediately. Keeping the area elevated can help reduce swelling, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can also be helpful. The doctor may put you on IV antibiotics in the hospital if the infection is serious and spreading rapidly.


While arthritis usually affects joints in the knees, hips or fingers, it can also attack spinal vertebrae. Spinal arthritis can cause back pain, tingling and a burning sensation. The lower back, or lumbar region, is more prone to degeneration and injury because it is heavily stressed throughout the day and highly involved during activities such as lifting heavy weights and sports.

A herniated disc can alter the spinal musculature, change spine alignment or compress spinal nerves and cause back pain, tingling and numbness. Bony deformities such as scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis can also cause changes in spine structure, which may affect spinal nerves and lead to back pain.

Gastrointestinal issues can also cause burning back pain, including acid reflux, gastritis and inflammatory bowel disease. In addition to pain, gastrointestinal symptoms can include nausea, vomiting and bloating. If your burning back pain is accompanied by any of these symptoms, see a doctor right away. Your doctor will perform a physical exam of your back, paying special attention to the affected area. They may also order an X-ray or MRI to look for underlying problems.


Burning back pain may be a sign of muscle spasms or spinal nerve compression. Muscle spasms can be triggered by heavy lifting, sitting or standing for long periods of time, or extended car trips. They are characterized by extreme tightness in the muscles and tenderness when touched. These cramp-like muscle spasms may last a few seconds or a few minutes and can recur often.

Herniated discs, degenerative spine disease and arthritis are the most common causes of burning back pain. These are caused by wear and tear in the bones of the spine, spinal cord and vertebral discs. Symptoms vary depending on the severity of the condition. If you are experiencing a recurring burning sensation in your back that is not relieved by over-the-counter pain relief medications, you should see a doctor immediately.

If your burning back pain is accompanied by fever, chills, weakness or numbness in the legs and arms, call your healthcare provider right away. This is a serious symptom and could indicate an infection, inflammation or other medical condition that requires immediate treatment.

Bone Spurs

Bone spurs (also called osteophytes) develop when a joint has been damaged or injured. They are the body’s way of trying to repair the damage by adding more bone to the area. They often form in the bones of the spine and the joints of the hips, knees, feet, and ankles.

The pain caused by bone spurs can come and go. The discomfort will worsen when you move the affected joint or when pressure is put on it. Bone spurs can also break off from the bone and linger in the lining of a joint, causing it to lock up. These wandering spurs are known as loose bodies and can cause pain that comes and goes.There are several treatment options for burning back pain that is caused by bone spurs. You can Buy tramadol online Over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory medications can help reduce inflammation. A corticosteroid injection can also help to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation around irritated soft tissue or nerve roots. Acupuncture may also be used to reduce the pain. Surgical procedures are sometimes recommended if the symptoms are severe.

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